lock down in India and a person is crossing the police barrier |
As today most asking question on internet is when does this corona virus lock down ends and no one have answer of it. Infect if someone is able to answer this he must have some special powers.
All business are close and affected due to this corona virus lock down and every one through the world waiting for this epidemic drop scene.
More then 190 countries around the globe are affected by this virus and thousands of people died in last 2 months and uncountable peoples are affected.
still there is a huge amount of people who are infected by this virus but they doesn't even know that are they are infecting other peoples daily.
the main problem is no one know who is infected and who is not so the only solution to that problem is lock-down or self isolation or social distancing.
know lets come back to our question
when does this corona virus lock down going to end?and the first and quick answer is no one knows .
But if we try to calculate time in very ideal situation it will be ended in next 20 days. know the question is what was the ideal condition.
Ideal condition is every one through out the world isolate him self in separate room even from his family members and then this virus show its symptoms within 1-14 days .so within 14 days we come to know how may peoples are infected and then form this in next 6 days we come to know how many people have that strong immune system to fight with virus and other peoples were died. that how in 20 days we got out from this situation and lock-down ends.
this is not a joke its already successfully implement in china Wuhan city from where this virus starts they lock down whole city check every person and separate infected peoples from healthy person and they control the epidemic in 3 month.
But china have very strong economy and implementing this on one city is might possible but now this virus is spread all over the world so now this type of lock down is not a practical even still there was a lock down type condition all over the world.
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