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Pims has become unsafe PLACE for doctors and patients as day to day security lapses has portrayed a very bad image.....The recent incident of lady doctor HARASSMENT on Eid 3rd day has sparked unrest among all the doctors.... on 3rd day of eid when a female house officer was on duty alone in ward when on of attendant made a forcible entry into her room and attempted some misbehaving act , inspite of that doctors doing there full duty in emergency.
**Thats what he thought while approaching room of a female doctor in PIMS islamabad**
This society in which we live is really OK with sexually harrass our kids , our daughters,mothers, there is just no issue what so ever if they resist , you kill them. You know this law can do nothing to you.
This time its a doctor who was considered a soft target by a dog , thanks god she ended up saving herself, but it was her struggle all alone in which no one was there to help. She kept fighting that dog for 20-25 minutes both mentally and physically and no body knew, this didn't happen in some secluded corner it happened inside doctors room of the largest government hospital of Pakistan. This is the security of Largest Govt hospital of Pakistan, PIMS Islamabad.
She saved herself all alone but trauma which her soul had will take time to fade away.
A female doctor who was on her 32 hours duty was working since 8am and she worked sleeplessly for 19 hours and went to doctors room at 3.30am(19-06-18) to have a nap and this person, this animal , entered the room at about 4am and locked it from inside which woke up the doctor.. and then the fight began, he did what ever was in his power to overcome her resistance but she kept fighting for her life and her dignity , he even tried to strangle her with a cable, but she never gave up. 25 minutes this went on when eaxh second felt like a year and all she could hope was interference by so called security of PIMS.
No one was there to listen to her screams and no one was there to detect that an unknown person had entered official working place of a female doctor in largest govt hospital of Capital of Pakistan,all his threats ,beating and attempts to knock her out failed , soon people started waking up for Fajar namaz around the room and he then ran away realizing that this girl is not giving up.
Doesn't this hurt you??, will you send your daughter to do night duties in such jungles? Even if you aren't a doctor or don't belong to doctor family, are your female patients and attendings safe in these mega hospitals?can a patient fight this much for this long? Cant some one rape your patients or kids who are so vulnerable?. When they can enter official doctors room to try and sexually assault a doctor. Then surely patient ,attendings and kids aren't safe either.
And this doesn't end here Executive Director of PIMS came in front of protesting doctors and said you have done a great wrong, by protesting, name of that doctor is on newpaper now because of you. (So what he means to say?she should have kept quiet?doctors shouldn't have protested?)
Then the police inspector with him told that the guy we have traced, he is on a run, he already has a crimincal record , doctors asked Executive director PIMS how come a person with this big criminal record enter such a "secure"place? He said im so grieved she is like my daughter because of doctors politics her name is on news as you are protesting so openly. (means he doesn't think he has anything to do with all this and the only bad thing that happened in this case is ,her name on paper and i am sure he is worried about his hospital's name on paper).
And when doctors protested and asked to remove the security officials concerned and take action,PIMS ED said do what ever you can do i don't care and left.
This is how our hospials are, this is how our hospitals administators are, and if doctors protest every one thinks they are asking for money and doing wrong.
If you can't stand for us please share the message at least.